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EACRD's Projects

Here is a list of few ongoing and past project, we are currently involved with.
Sr.No. Name of Project Sponsoring Agency
Project duration No. Of Beneficiary
1 Environment Development & Management Program (Capacity & Planning Phase) EED, Bonn, Germany 2006-2008 70
2 Environment Development & Management Program (Main Phase I) EED, Bonn, Germany 2008-2011 345
3 Environment Development & Management Program (Main Phase II) EED, Bonn, Germany 2011-2014 449
4 Environment Development & Management Program (Main Phase III) EED, Germany 2014-2017 274
5 Improved Quality and Dignity of Human life through enhanced access to entitlements, land rights, livelihood. Bread for the world, Germany

(Formerly known as EED, Germany)

2017-2020 250
6 Enhanced Ecosystem, Livelihoods Resilience and Durable Peace in the state of Manipur, continuation Bread for the world, Germany 2020-2023 300
7 Enhancement of Livelihood and Promotion of Food Security Jamshedji Tata Trust,(JTT)Mumbai, India 2008-2011 158
8 Enhancement of Livelihood and Promotion of Food Security JTT 2011-2014 184
9 Promotion of Diversion Based Irrigation JTT 2010-2011 72
10 Food Security for Small and marginal farmers of Manipur Through Diversion Based Irrigation JTT 2013-2015 243
11 Promotion of Food Security & Ensuring a Sustainable Impact in the area of Poverty Reduction through System of Rice Intensification Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, (SDTT), Mumbai, India 2009 20
12 Promotion of Food Security & Ensuring a Sustainable Impact in the area of Poverty Reduction through System of Rice Intensification SDTT 2010-2011 100
13 System of Rice Intensification for household Security in Manipur SDTT 2011-2012 500
14 System of Rice Intensification for household Security in Manipur SDTT 2013-2014 747
15 System of Rice Intensification for household Security in Manipur SDTT 2014-2015 600
16 System of Rice Intensification for household Security in Manipur SDTT 2015-2016 600
17 Regional Initiative towards ensuring Entitlements of Marginalized Communities and Promoting Sustainable Farm Based Livelihoods Actionaid, Guwahati 2012-2014 10 individuals + Commnuities
18 Women SHG Scheme NABARD, Imphal 2012-2015 500 SHGs
19 Rural Mart NABARD, Imphal 2014-2016 NA
20 Micro-Finance Scheme NEDFi, Guwahati 2012-2015 50
21 Coalition on Environment & Natural Resources CORDAID 2013-2015 518
22 Mautam Relief Programme  Self 2007-2008 NA
23 Toilet Construction  PHED, Govt. of Manipur 2012-2013 12 schools
24 Regional Seminar on Environment  NEC, Shillong 2012-2013 NA
25 TDF-Vangai Range NABARD 2021-2026 200
26 Meitei Community Leadership Training MI, USA 2021-2022 45