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Two-Day Workshop on Community Stewardship Assessment Toolkit on Carbon and Land Held in Manas National Park, Assam

Manas National Park, Assam – A collaborative two-day training workshop on the Community Stewardship Assessment Toolkit on Carbon and Land was successfully held at Florican Cottage, Manas National Park, Assam on April 17th and 18th, 2024. The event was organized by RNBA, LANDSTACK, and FES and saw the participation of 21 members (13 males and 8 females) from various RNBA partners including RBA, PESCH, RAS, EAC, and PRDA from different northeastern states.

Facilitated by Pranab Choudhury and partners Dimgonglung, Anjali, and Pentile, the workshop began with self-introductions from both the resource team and participants. The sessions covered crucial topics such as climate change, the carbon market, participatory tools for stewardship assessment, forest health monitoring, and household surveys.

Participants were particularly engaged by reports from Meghalaya and Odisha, where Daiophika and Jaya Sri shared insights from FES pilot experiences.

A highlight of the workshop was the group activities and presentations focusing on resource mapping, traditional ecological knowledge sharing, village history, and mapping interactions with external institutions and forest landscapes.

